If you emphasize much on WiFi network security, you should choose WPA3, at least WPA2. It also adds much stronger 192-bit encryption to the standard to improve the security level a lot. WPA3 protect users’ passwords from brute-force attacks.
WPA3 includes some important upgrades for wireless network security. WPA may be hackable while WPA2 and WPA3 is not. WPA2 is securer than WPA, and is currently used by most WiFi networks. WPA3-Enterprice mode uses AES-256 in GCM mode, while WPA3-Personal mode uses AES-128 in CCM mode as the minimum encryption algorithm. The newest WPA3 is announced in January 2018 to replace WPA2. WPA uses TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), while WPA2 uses TKIP or the more advanced AES-based encryption algorithm. Since 2006, WPA2 officially replaced WPA. Read More WPA vs WPA2 vs WPA3 – Differences